Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Home Treatment for Dry Socket/Total Internal Body Cleanse

Y2K's Newsletter 6-3:

"Dry socket" occurs when the clot either doesn't form or is removed before all healing has taken place..and actually is any socket in which a patient is having pain due to the loss of the blood clot thus exposing the bone to air, food, and fluids along with an offensive odor. This often occurs two or more days after an extraction and can last about 5-6 days. It is normal to have soreness and discomfort following an extraction. Pain should be lessening by the second day.

There are three herbs I have my patients use to clean and heal the area..which are very successful at preventing infection.... More Info Here

Total Internal Body Cleanse...never before have I used such a successful kit for "spring cleansing"....everything from the digestive system ...through your lymph and skin... More Info Here

Helping You Heal in Nature's Way
Dr. Deb

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Herbal home treatments for peeps and pets

"Herbal home treatments for peeps and pets"..Everything from Home Treatments for Acne to Home Treatments for Yeast Infections..

People are always asking me what can they do to treat themselves, their families and even their pets a home...and this is the kind of information I give out every day...either in my office or in e-mails to people who write to me from my sites (Y2K Health and Detox and Homeopathy For Kennel Cough).

So....I finally got smart...(about time, eh?)...and put the first of many free ebooks together to give this information in a concise, easy to use just give to my patients, subscribers and customers...

AND...quite frankly....I'm getting tired of hearing myself yap about the same now you can 'hear' me on your own computer...from the comfort of your home....whenever YOU want to...instead of having to try to call me or get into my e-mail's inbox...which is overflowing with queries from 100's of people a wait for your answers...."

Click Here To Grab Your Copy of This FREE E-book!