Thursday, August 13, 2009

Swine Flu Symptoms - Newsletter 9-2

Dr. Deb's Latest Newsletter is online now.

Learn updated information on:

Update on Swine Flu and Seasonal Flu Sypmtoms and Homeopathic-Herbal Treatment

Food Inc, the movie. A MUST see and become involved. Our food is our BEST medicine and you need to insist on what you want to be feeding you and your family.

It's Summertime..and Time for Potty Training!! I've found a superb ebook and video on how to do this in 1-3 days...even with twins.

A reminder to sign up for my book on the Liver and how to heal/cleanse get a discount on the price when it's ready.

Also, last minute thoughts on what to feed your avoid disease and early death.

Go to the link on the top of this post to read Newsletter 9-2.

1 comment:

  1. Experts continue to warn against giving anti-viral drugs to pregnant women & children suffering from swine flu

    Swine Flu
