Sunday, July 16, 2006

Protect Your CoQ10..Canada..Statins Must Indicate Their Devastating Side Effects

"Statin drugs, which promise to reduce the levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol in the body while improving the levels of good (HDL) cholesterol, are the fastest-growing class of prescription drugs in the world, but increasing evidence shows they may not be safe, and Canadian health officials are warning that statins can cause serious muscle damage.
Health Canada is now requiring manufacturers of statin drugs such as Lipitor, Zocor, Pravachol, Mevacor and Crestor to include warnings and information about the potential for muscle damage on patient safety information sheets, according to the Toronto Star."

This article by Alex Black was reported on by Mike Adams here:

News Target by Mike Adams

So many symptoms are associated with statins..
Statin..pins and needles,
Statin..and edema or swelling of the legs and arms
Even tendinitis and statins...and here's a larger list..
. Irritability and short tempers
. Hostility
. Homicidal impulses
. Rapid loss of mental clarity
. Amnesia
. Kidney failure
. Diarrhea
. Muscle aching and weakness
. Tingling or cramping in the legs
. Inability to walk
. Problems sleeping
. Constipation
. Impaired muscle formation
. Erectile dysfunction
. Temperature regulation problems
. Nerve damage
. Mental confusion
. Liver damage and abnormalities
. Neuropathy
. Destruction of CoQ10, a vital nutrient for health

There is a lot one can do to lower cholesterol and avoid the use of statins..see my page.."The Truth About Cholesterol"

Natural Substances to Lower Cholesterol