Thursday, September 10, 2009

Homeopathic/Herbal Flu Prevention and Cure Book

Natural, homeopathic and herbal treatment for the flu not only are easily available...they work, without toxicity and the health risks that the flu vaccine threatens us with.

In major flu epidemics like the one in 1918-1919, the only successful treatment was homeopathy. Why is that not being spread all over the internet? My opinion? No money in it for the pharmaceutical industry.

The Swine flu is very contagious, but if you look at the actual research is probably milder than the traditional seasonal flu we face every year.

For a complete list of Flu Symptoms, Flu signs and Flu book "Dr. Deb's Homeopathic/Herbal Flu Prevention and Cure is available as a download for only $19.77 at my page:

Dr. Deb's Flu Prevention Page

Get your copy you're all prepared and protected.