Friday, March 17, 2006

Antioxidants-prevention against aging...learn to see the myths and aging

Antioxidants - Prevention Against Aging!

"Advanced Glycation Endproducts, or 'AGEs' as they're appropriately called, are the end result of the complex chemical process through which the structure of proteins is warped by exposure to sugars or by other, much more reactive molecules.

AGE chemistry is the cause of the 'browning' you see when you roast a chicken or make toast, but the same 'browning' chemistry is at work in your body every day of your life. In your arteries. In your kidneys. In your heart, your eyes, your skin, your nerves. In every cell, the sugar that your body uses for fuel is busily at work at this very moment, caramelizing your body through exactly the same chemical processes that caramelize onions or peanut brittle."

There are also many implications of the change of senses in aging. Vision decreases...hearing becomes less acute....normal responses decrease.

There are many myths about aging...learn what actually works

Antioxidants-Prevention Against Aging, Change in senses in aging, Myths and aging

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