Friday, November 17, 2006

New Osteoporosis Shots

The new osteoporosis shots is a drug (zoledronic acid..another Fosamax) which slows down bone resoroption.

Here is the problem....bone status is a dynamic process. In other words..bone must be broken down and re-built all the time to be healthy and strong..its just its chemistry...its how it works.

To simply stop bone resorption is only half of the story. Sure, less bone is resorbed..but you are now left with old, brittle bone....absolutely nothing has been done to increase the development of new active bone...which is ultimately what you need for healthy, functional bones!

As you can read in the abstract (summary) of this paper..there was only a marginal improvement in bone resorption in part of the study..and in another was no different from the placebo (fake medicine) group.

This drug was developed because oral drugs like Fosamax caused a lot of stomach and intestinal irritation so people would not take their medication for long or consistently. This drug manufacturer figured if it was would bypass that problem.

The real problem is that its not very effective and it doesn't deal with the whole problem.

For REAL information, read my page on

What Treat Options Are There For Osteoporosis?

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